Syncing Fulfillment and Tracking across Associate Orders

When app creates a associated order either if the original order is uneditable or in your mystery box fulfillment you have chosen this option, the biggest operational issue which comes up is as customer is only added to the original order and not to the associated order and actual items to be fulfilled are part of associated order, when you fulfill these items and update tracking on these fulfillment, these changes are not reflected in original order and hence customer doesn't get the update emails for fulfillment and tracking.

To resolve this issue, we have preference in the app i.e "Update Tracking and Fulfillment in original order with updates in associated order" under "Associated Orders Preference" in Order related settings.

When activated app will listen to fulfillment updates on your store and Here are details on how app responds to various fulfillment events

  • When child items are fulfilled and tracking is added in the associated order, this will result in fulfillment of corresponding bundle or mystery boxes in the original order.
  • When fulfillment happens without adding the tracking, the same is followed in the original order. When tracking is added later, then app will also update tracking in the original order for the corresponding fulfillment.
  • If a second or third tracking is added later, that shall also be added to the original order.
  • If fulfillment in associated order is cancelled then app shall also cancel corresponding fulfillment in original order.
  • App will NOT sync the fulfillment if child items in the associated order are fulfilled separately. All child items must be part of single fulfillment.
  • If there are multiple bundle or mystery boxes, then for each set of child items a separate fulfillment can be done and app will only fulfill the corresponding bundle or mystery box in the original order.
  • In case of Multiple bundles, it is also possible for all the child items of multiple bundles to be fulfilled at the same time, then app will fulfill all the parent bundles in the original order.
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